Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Good, The Funny, The Nasty

The Good: As most of you know Ben and I get the majority of our produce and meat from a farmer's market here. We usually go with one of our friends Kelsey. We have shown multiple people this market and she is the only one who likes it enough to go back with us weekend after weekend. We got all of this food for 11€, about $13! You´re looking at about 4 1/2 pounds each of nectarines, apricots, strawberries and green peppers. The two red peppers are probably about a pound each, 5 bananas, a zuccini, asparagus and 2 massive crossiants. 

The Funny: I was at a different grocery store and wanted to get some wine but it was all expensive (and when I say expensive, I mean 6€ or 7€). As I was walking around I saw some for 1€. I figured "Hey! Why not?" When I picked the bottle up, it was plastic with a screw-on top, no cork. 

The Nasty: Apparently when the city does work on the water pipes a couple of blocks from where you live it will turn the water brown. I went to do dishes and I was putting water in a brownie pan. The water was brown but I figured it was from the brownies. Then I went to get a glass of water and brown water was coming out of the faucet!

The water in the glass is what it looked like after it had cleared up a bit.

What it first looked like when I got a glass of water.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post! It very well represents how different Spain is than the U.S. :)
