Friday, November 29, 2013


Our Thanksgiving might have started off a little rough by getting locked out of the house and having to call a locksmith but it definitely ended well with good friends and good food. We were very thankful to have friends to spend this holiday with.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Códroba Day #2

Today we went to visit la mezquita. It was amazing! The building was first a Christian church around the 4th century. Then the Muslims came through and conquered and built a mosque on top of the Christian church. When the Christians came back through during the reconquista, they built a church inside the mosque. So now as you walk through you can see remnants of the first Christian church, the mosque and the cathedral.

Next we went to la sinagoga. It is one of three remaining pre-inquisition synagoges in Spain. I have to be honest, it was a lot smaller than I was expecting. After the synagoge, we were feeling like something sweet. We had seen a sign the day before for a nunnery that was selling sweets. We went to check it out. When you get there, there is a buzzer that you have to push and then you open a little window that opens to a lazy susan. A nun on the other side asks what you want, you order, put your money on the lazy susan, she turns it and then spins it around with whatever it is you ordered. It was a fun experience. It is almost as if the nuns invented the first drive through!

We went to Plaza Tendillas for lunch and then to see an old Roman Temple, Iglesia S. Pablo and then onto Palacio de Viana to see the court yards. It was a bit of a walk but in the end totally worth it!We saw 13 beautifully manicured court yards, one of them had a 500 year old oak!

After the palace, it was siesta time. For dinner we walked around and got some tapas. We landed on one place for awhile called Taberna Montillana. Super good! After dinner we headed back to the hotel and the next day we headed back to Madrid.

One funny thing that kept happening, Ben and I kept refering to the hotel as "home". I told him this must be what happens when you travel a lot. The hotel becomes your temporary home.