Tuesday, July 10, 2012

We are going to Spain!

In May I received and an email from Western Washington University's Secondary Education program about a job opportunity in Spain. The flier said it was a position in which the person would be co-teaching in a public school in Madrid with a native teacher. The person would be the "English Expert" in the classroom.

Ben was sitting beside me when I read the email and I said, "How cool would this be?" He looked at me and said that I should apply for it. So I thought, hey why not? Over the next couple of weeks I wrote a cover letter, got letters of recommendation and transcripts together and mailed my application.

For three months Ben and I prayed about this opportunity and asked God to lead us where He wanted us to go. In the beginning of June I finally got an email back! It was not the answer we had wanted. I was told that at the time all the positions were filled; however, there was a chance that a new position would open up but they wouldn't know until the middle of July.

At this point, we started looking for other jobs because I had originally been told that my name had been recommended and in the past, all who had been recommended for a job had been offered one. I was the exception this time. I was bummed but after talking about it, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing that we weren't going to Spain. However, we had no clue where we were going to go or what we were going to do. We kept praying for God's guidance and for him to reveal to us His plan.

Then, a couple of weeks later I got another email. Someone had passed on the job and I was next up on the wait list. I looked at Ben and asked if I should take it and he said yes!

So, at then end of August we will be headed to Madrid, Spain. As of now, I don't know what school I will be at, what subject I will be teaching or the age of the kids. We are not sure what Ben will be doing either. God has been faithful this far though and we are trusting in Him to have something for Ben in Spain.

We will post updates and pictures as often as we can but we don't know what are living situation will be like yet until we get there so we don't know what our internet access will be like either. We would appreciate prayers for safety and if anyone would like a free place to stay in Madrid, let us know. :)